We are PBOP - a TTRPG actual-play podcast where we pretend to be other People! Join us for, hilarious improv, immersive storytelling, and an original score to set the mood. Subscribe now and adventure along with us - for excitement, for love, and for giggles!

Latest Episodes

Cloudfall | 43 - Fables & Tails

We explore the ruins of our former stomping grounds and find one huge Lor drop after another. 

Cloudfall | 42 - Doom & Bloom

There's nowhere left to hide, and everything is out to kill us. The path out of the Feywild is bathed in blood and full of old foes.

Cloudfall | 41 - Lip Service

There's something about gathering around a fire that brings out the best connections, even when it's darker than it's ever been.

Cloudfall | 40 - A Fey Worse than Death

We find the come face to face with the dark Heart of the Feywild.

Cloudfall | 39 - A Party Apart

We've landed in the Feywild, and the Nightmare is just beginning. 

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